Enova must be a flexible and adaptable organization. The operation of Enova, and the management of the Climate and Energy Fund, must be as cost-effective as possible. In this way, the funds we receive can be used to the greatest extent possible to achieve our goal: realizing projects that contribute to Norway meeting its climate commitments and transitioning us to a low-emission society.
The funds we manage are allocated from the Climate and Energy Fund, and distributed between agreed activities and administration fees. It is the latter that make up the operating accounts for Enova SF. Contracted activities are specified as a separate accounting line in the preparation of the allocation report for the Climate and Energy Fund. The framework for the administration fee is determined by the Ministry of Climate and the Environment in the annual assignment letter we receive.
The follow-up and measurement of cost-effectiveness in management is carried out in several ways, and follow-up can be complex. Our organization strives for good cost control at the same time as we continuously work on streamlining and digitizing our processes. Good and targeted work over several years has had positive effects on our cost development. In particular, compared to developments in the consumer price index, changes to our assignment agreement and the number of applications.
- Go to Enova SF Annual Report 2024 web site to learn more (in Norwegian only)

Street address
Visiting address: Brattørkaia 17A, N-7010 Trondheim, NORWAY
Mailing address
Enova SF
Postboks 5700 Torgarden
N-7437 Trondheim, NORWAY