Planlegging, installasjon og drift av karbonfangst pilotanlegg i Eramet Norway Sauda
The Eramet Norway Sauda plant releases approx. 350 ktonnes CO2 per year. To decrease its footprint, carbon capture and subsequent storage is a highly potent lever. Adsorption technologies have a high potential for cost efficient capture from sources with over 15% CO2. This pilot project aims to bring Pressure Swing Adsorption to TRL 7 by running optimization tests on plant offgas for a year.
Et diagram over gass produksjon og leveranse
- Air Liquide
- Eramet Norway AS
Teknologisk innovasjon
- Prove commercial feasibility of an emerging carbon capture process in the ferroalloy industry
- Develop formulation of adsorbents to achieve high recovery and resist industrial processes
- Adapt traditionnal gas transfer and conditioning systems to carbon capture applications
- Use energy recovered from plant processes to lower the cost of carbon capture
- Develop internal competences on emerging carbon technologies by co-leading experimental plan with technology provider
- Develop the technology provider competences by testing equipment and reagents in industrial conditions
- Experience sharing on the technical and practical aspects of piloting new carbon capture technologies to benefit CCUS community in Norway (seminars, conferences, technical publications)
- General public education by communicating about carbon capture and organizing tours.
Realisert spredning av teknologi
- This project is a first implementation of this technology in the ferroalloy industry in Norway and worldwide.
Videre utvikling og videre spredning
- Proof of concept established with the pilot project will serve as a qualification for full scale installation at the Sauda facility.
- Qualifying the Cryocap technology at the Sauda site also opens opportunities to five other Eramet plants.
- The technology Cryocap™ has more generally the potential to be deployed to industrial sectors for CO2 streams with a concentration range superior to 15%, in the ferroalloy industry and beyond.